Outdoor Adventure & Automotive INDUSTRY FUTURES
These are topics that address change at the intersection of industries as well as opportunities to invent something new. Our goal is to spark the exploration and development of new businesses, new products, services, systems - and engage in discussions, strategic planning, designing and making new things.
Share your potential intersecting topics to be explored and considered. Reach us Here.
Future Travel & Outdoor Adventure: Tech-Enabled, Flexible and Convenient
Imagine a future of booking, arriving, settling-in and enjoying your time away without ever directly interacting with another human being. This has always been possible to some degree, but contactless may be the preferred mode of travel and vacationing for many in the near-term.
Some Lasting Consumer Mindset Shifts
Many say we cannot know and are not willing to predict what new trends or behaviors will persist post-COVID, but I am always willing to share an educated hypothesis. Many things may go back to the way they were pre-COVID, but there will be a persistence reflection of change and difference for a long time to come.
The Future of Millennial Travel
Millennials and GenXers make-up 3/4 of all campers, with Millennials alone accounting for more than 40% (KOA) and continuing to increase their # of trips / year. Millennials view traveling as vital to the development of their personal narrative and identity. (FutureCast)
The Vehicle Adventure Experience as a New Retail Channel
The current pandemic is forcing the need for a future of creative retailing. On average, Americans spend more than 1-hour in their vehicles everyday. This is second only to their homes and workplace. We are calling-out the Adventure Experience, but it could obviously also be about luxury, health & wellness, productivity and more.
Living Your Best Experience-Driven Life
They are digital nomads that know how to thrive in today’s digital layer of on-demand access, transaction, identity and more. A lifestyle where social value means more than material value and enduring happiness is found in a series of spontaneous and planned experiences.
Automotive Sensors Meet Outdoor Gear
As production volumes of driver assistance and other vehicle sensors increase and prices decrease, they will be combined with innovative outdoor gear and camping systems to create new experiences. For instance, the Atomic Connected Ski Boots use a senor packet to measure balance, edge control, G-forces, slope angle, turn radius, run count, average and top speed, total vertical and more. Stay tuned as some additional innovative connected products, services and systems take shape.
The Optimal Form of a Personal Shared Mobility Device
The attempts of adding new species of micro-mobility transport to the ecosystem have been met with limited success. e-Scooters and e-bikes have replaced walking but they are not so useful at transporting goods. What are the attributes of a perfect shared people mover and what might it look like?
The Outdoor Experience @ a Dealership Near You
Auto dealerships are being forced to change dramatically. As the primary modes and channels of interaction become digital, consumer expectations begin to shift towards other analogous digital experiences. What if I want to “try-it before I buy it” or “share ownership” or “subscribe to activity-based usage”? What does the future of experienced-based sales look and feel like?
A Reductionist Approach to Digital Connectedness
For many of us it feels as if digital technologies have invaded our lives and created a lot of needless noise. In a recent project to bring connectedness to the outdoor experience, we took the approach of turning off more than we turned on and focusing on enhancing the potential outdoor experience.