Our Story 


During my years of automotive vehicle and system design, I was fortunate to be involved in the study of what consumers aspired to do with vehicles and why. They do not necessarily want a record setting 0 - 60 mph time or cargo space for 12 grocery bags – rather they want to be in control of their world, they want to be a good host and to occasionally explore and discover something new in the world around them. They want to pass down their skills and beliefs to their children and they want to contribute more to their community. They want to better themselves and those around them.

I believe that a major contributing factor to achieving many of these goals is spending quality time with others. And all of this collectively requires space, flexibility, access and control. Those are contributing reasons why SUVs are the most popular type of vehicle in the world. In order to achieve these realities, then you have to take time “off the clock”, get-away and utilize these extremely capable vehicles to experience the world together.

We will encourage you to use our vehicles to venture beyond the everyday commute and the everyday carting of groceries and sports gear to exploration and adventure. I started Motourly to make it easier to take an adventure, to form these deeper bonds with others, and to find time to hit the reset button and find some calm.


Don’t worry, your loaded e-mail inbox and jam-packed calendar will be there when you get back.  

In the past, the automotive industry was about the vehicle - and aspiring to the object. And now as so many of us move to dense cities, vehicle ownership is getting too expensive and logistically challenging. Many consumers are turning to ride-hailing and vehicle subscription services in order to alleviate the hassles of insurance, maintenance and purchase commitment. The average number of vehicles per household in urban areas is decreasing. However, vehicles still represent freedom and adventure.

We believe that in our future Mobility Experience Economy, we will have access to services that live across a connected system of transportation modes. The vehicle types will be less important and we will focus more on access, convenience, reliability with the intent of getting done what needs to be done and moving forward, which includes bettering ourselves and those around us.

As our company, our services and the Motourly Event & Adventure Experience Platform evolves, we will always put you, our customers, first. Your needs, your well-being and your future memories will be the reason that we do what we do.

I appreciate your interest in Motourly, your visit and your consideration.