Fully Outfitted Vehicles
Motourly constantly updates our gear with new products that we receive from our partners and feedback from customers. Customers and travelers are responsible for food and any other gear not listed. And all gear is available for purchase post trip.
If you represent an outdoor adventure brand and would like us to consider including your product(s), then please tell us more Here. And stay-tuned for an update on our digital services and available powersports equipment soon.
the Essentials (& a few Extras)
Tailgating Gear
Camping Gear
Consider Becoming A Partner
If you represent an outdoor adventure brand with a product or service that you think would compliment our services and enhance our customer experience (or vice-versa), then please let us know.
If you would like to be considered as a participant in our pilot, then please reach-out to us via the “Stay In-touch” form.
** Anyone can sign-up, but the pilot is currently only available to Michigan residents.