What We Tow Matters

We are hearing a lot about the substantial towing power and torque of newly launched and soon to launch electric trucks. We also know that hauling stuff and pulling a trailer is going to be a big part of the electric pick-up truck ownership experience. The challenge remains of how to predict and minimize the impact on range when factoring in weight, balance, grade, speed and other factors.

EV range lessens as more power is necessary to run the air conditioning and heater and to accelerate quickly, so you can imagine the impact of towing thousands of pounds. Evolved battery density solutions, assistive powered trailers with motors and streamlined design are a few of the engineering and design factors that contribute to better solutions. Today’s messaging from OEMs emphasizes a mixed bag of representations, things like …

  • Tow the same stuff as what you tow today – just replace your ICE truck with an electric one

  • This is “the future” where you can tow Space Suttles, SpaceX vehicles, trains, electric boats and so much more

  • Considering early stages of functional performance and efficiency – via concepts focused on trailer regen, sharing power with the vehicle and trailer or camper shapes that are as lightweight and as aerodynamic as possible

Some also think that if the vehicle and trailer accommodate sufficient solar and wind generation, capture and use, then we may never have to stop to charge again <grin>. Trailer and accessory design for EVs will be a new class of solutions, and I would not be surprised if they are also adopted by the remaining ICE population over time.

Parrish Hanna