The Nissan Caravan Office Pod

The expansion of the ability for large populations of employees to live and work anywhere has spurred a large desire amongst the global workforce to have more flexibility. That includes flexibility of tools, infrastructure, location, time and more.

This is an early concept with a pod-like insert in a van. You can imagine in the future other types of “functional pods” that can be retrofitted into your van - and maybe even your RV, SUV, Truck or even your car in the future. And these will come from OEMs, suppliers, accessory makers and others at a continuously more affordable price. Flexibility, modularity, extensibility, customization and personalization should be priority attributes of these future vehicles.

Work surfaces, a comfortable seat, connectivity and my devices are the minimum requirements to get the job done. Add a whiteboard and the sound of seagulls or crashing waves and/or the ability to take a mid-day kayak or bike ride and it all gets better. And invite others to your rooftop meeting room (either virtually or in-person). Conference room “RT”. Getting outside is good for your health, productivity and creativity.